Saturday, March 24, 2012

Get Ready,

Well, with one week left before we're off to South Dakota, life is kinda crazy.  Sam's been able to take time off work and just spend it running around taking care of loose ends, which is great, except realistically it would have been nice to get this stuff done a month ago....
Things like registering the van, getting the bank accounts set up correctly, turning in the paperwork needed, filing taxes, researching and clearing up storage unit and dumpster pricings (who knew April would be such a difficult month to find available storage space?  Must be all the 'spring cleaners' out there who simply transfer their junk from the house to somewhere out of sight.)
As it is, everything is a lot bit rushed, but falling into place pretty well.
Cross your fingers we don't hit any snags!

My biggest worry would have to be that we don't or won't have enough time to spend with family.  After all, they are the reason we're doing this.  I just hope they know that and can forgive us for being away so much.